Family Planning is a Title 10 (ten) program that helps young women and men with any reproductive health concern: preventing pregnancy, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, general health concerns, emergency contraception, HIV, abstinence, sexual coercion and abuse. For more information about the Title 10 program please go to the Wyoming Health Council’s website.
At every visit, the individual has an opportunity to talk to a health care professional about their health concerns, including but not limited to: blood pressure, weight reduction, pregnancy testing, hemoglobin testing, mammograms, immunizations, smoking cessation, substance abuse and high risk behaviors. Please call 577-9757 to schedule an appointment.
Family Planning Services
Contraceptives offered by the CNCHD
Barrier Contraceptives
Hormonal Methods
Emergency Contraception-Plan B
HIV and STD (sexual transmitted disease) testing
With this program you may text “KNOW” to 91011 or go to and you will receive a confidential voucher for $15 for a free HIV test or to be applied toward other STD testing, and you’ll receive important information regarding STDs. (Voucher is good for $15 which covers the fee for an HIV test or can be put toward any other STD testing services. STD testing is done on a sliding fee scale with proof of income)
Additional Resources: